1,012 research outputs found

    Visual Imitation Learning with Recurrent Siamese Networks

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    It would be desirable for a reinforcement learning (RL) based agent to learn behaviour by merely watching a demonstration. However, defining rewards that facilitate this goal within the RL paradigm remains a challenge. Here we address this problem with Siamese networks, trained to compute distances between observed behaviours and the agent's behaviours. Given a desired motion such Siamese networks can be used to provide a reward signal to an RL agent via the distance between the desired motion and the agent's motion. We experiment with an RNN-based comparator model that can compute distances in space and time between motion clips while training an RL policy to minimize this distance. Through experimentation, we have had also found that the inclusion of multi-task data and an additional image encoding loss helps enforce the temporal consistency. These two components appear to balance reward for matching a specific instance of behaviour versus that behaviour in general. Furthermore, we focus here on a particularly challenging form of this problem where only a single demonstration is provided for a given task -- the one-shot learning setting. We demonstrate our approach on humanoid agents in both 2D with 1010 degrees of freedom (DoF) and 3D with 3838 DoF.Comment: PrePrin

    Recombinator Networks: Learning Coarse-to-Fine Feature Aggregation

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    Deep neural networks with alternating convolutional, max-pooling and decimation layers are widely used in state of the art architectures for computer vision. Max-pooling purposefully discards precise spatial information in order to create features that are more robust, and typically organized as lower resolution spatial feature maps. On some tasks, such as whole-image classification, max-pooling derived features are well suited; however, for tasks requiring precise localization, such as pixel level prediction and segmentation, max-pooling destroys exactly the information required to perform well. Precise localization may be preserved by shallow convnets without pooling but at the expense of robustness. Can we have our max-pooled multi-layered cake and eat it too? Several papers have proposed summation and concatenation based methods for combining upsampled coarse, abstract features with finer features to produce robust pixel level predictions. Here we introduce another model --- dubbed Recombinator Networks --- where coarse features inform finer features early in their formation such that finer features can make use of several layers of computation in deciding how to use coarse features. The model is trained once, end-to-end and performs better than summation-based architectures, reducing the error from the previous state of the art on two facial keypoint datasets, AFW and AFLW, by 30\% and beating the current state-of-the-art on 300W without using extra data. We improve performance even further by adding a denoising prediction model based on a novel convnet formulation.Comment: accepted in CVPR 201

    Conservative objective models are a special kind of contrastive divergence-based energy model

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    In this work we theoretically show that conservative objective models (COMs) for offline model-based optimisation (MBO) are a special kind of contrastive divergence-based energy model, one where the energy function represents both the unconditional probability of the input and the conditional probability of the reward variable. While the initial formulation only samples modes from its learned distribution, we propose a simple fix that replaces its gradient ascent sampler with a Langevin MCMC sampler. This gives rise to a special probabilistic model where the probability of sampling an input is proportional to its predicted reward. Lastly, we show that better samples can be obtained if the model is decoupled so that the unconditional and conditional probabilities are modelled separately

    Learning General Purpose Distributed Sentence Representations via Large Scale Multi-task Learning

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    A lot of the recent success in natural language processing (NLP) has been driven by distributed vector representations of words trained on large amounts of text in an unsupervised manner. These representations are typically used as general purpose features for words across a range of NLP problems. However, extending this success to learning representations of sequences of words, such as sentences, remains an open problem. Recent work has explored unsupervised as well as supervised learning techniques with different training objectives to learn general purpose fixed-length sentence representations. In this work, we present a simple, effective multi-task learning framework for sentence representations that combines the inductive biases of diverse training objectives in a single model. We train this model on several data sources with multiple training objectives on over 100 million sentences. Extensive experiments demonstrate that sharing a single recurrent sentence encoder across weakly related tasks leads to consistent improvements over previous methods. We present substantial improvements in the context of transfer learning and low-resource settings using our learned general-purpose representations.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 201
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